Yurii Baraniuk


Introduction. Institualization of state financial control system in the terms of market transformation requires punctual and effective reforms that can increase the efficiency of its functioning and improve public administration. Efficiency of public financial control depends on the level of development of formal and social restraints. To determine the impact of these regulations within the institutional foundations of the state financial control the consideration and control mechanism that ensures the functioning of the institution should be considered. Methods. The dialectical method, instruments of system analysis of financial and economic processes, methods of comparative analysis, abstraction, algebra and geometric methods, evaluation and generalization were used in the study. Results. Institutional line of modern economic science has the ability to overcome the problems of economic theory that are determined by the misbalance in the economy. The institutional system of the state financial control is based on the certain standards that are considered to be after-effects of previous traditions in society or adopted from other countries. The principles of state financial control are examined through the prism of law-makers, holders of rights and obligations and the mechanism of control. Is has been found that there is interdependence between formal and social restraints and a mechanism of control. The author of the article suggests that the institutional foundations of the system of state financial control in Ukraine have been created. The formulated rules of domestic law, social transformation and resource provision of control mechanism prove this statement. Discussion. In order to effectively reform the system of state financial control in Ukraine it necessary to simultaneously modernize the institutional foundations and to ensure the following the financial discipline. In this case, an important condition for the further development of state financial control in the context of its institualization and the establishment of public and private relationships is an inverse business reaction (a signal of necessary changes in formal with the help of informal norms and ensure the strengthening of the national economy).


state financial control; institutional framework; formal restraints; social restraints; resource

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