Iryna Belova, Nataliia Semenyshena


Introduction For today; when considering processes aimed at reducing differences in the financial reporting of different countries; such concepts as "harmonization" and "standardization" are used. Harmonization of accounting should be understood as the similarity of accounting practices in different countries; and standardization - the application of more stringent and less vague accounting rules. These words in the context of accounting have become almost technical terms and in their meanings it is difficult to grasp the practical difference. Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research are the works of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the harmonization and standardization of accounting; legislative and regulatory documents governing the Institute of Accounting in Ukraine. In the course of the research; the bibliographic method (research of literary sources for obtaining the necessary information on the research topic) was used; the method of associations and analogies (for proposed new ideas and proposals arising on the basis of comparison with other more or less similar objects). Result. As a result of research into the theoretical and organizational-practical foundations for the harmonization and standardization of the Institute of Accounting in Ukraine; a number of problems have been identified related to the formation of institutional mechanisms that ensure the development and implementation of IFRS and their application at the international and national levels; as well as the provision of coordinated work of these mechanisms ; proved the need to address the issues of legal implementation of IFRS in national practice; with the need for a clear understanding of the scope of application of IFRS at the national level. Discussion. Prospects for further research are aimed at studying international accounting experience; substantiation of the process of harmonization and standardization of national standards; which will increase the efficiency of accounting practices in Ukraine.


Institute of accounting; harmonization of accounting and financial reporting; forms of harmonization of accounting and financial reporting; standardization of accounting and financial reporting; harmonization of accounting legislation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35774/ibo2018.03.007


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