Zoriana Skybinska, Tetiana Gryniv


Introduction. Any household decision is evaluated by their final result, which is profit. One of the main factors affecting the profit is the level of material stocks. Revenues from sales and profit appear only when the subjects of labor used in the production, transfer their value to the cost of manufactured product and find the final user. Therefore, stable supply of material resources is a precondition for the functioning and development of any company. Methods. Used the methods of analytical research of efficient use of material resources, namely: logical methods, mathematical methods of linear programming, heuristic methods. Results. Investigated objectives, main directions and information support of analysis. Described the services of control over efficiency of material resources management at the enterprise. Carried out research of the task of analyzing the efficient use of material resources in the enterprise. Described the methods of analytical research of efficient use of material resources. Discussion. The efficient management of material resources movement provides the enterprise with additional benefits such as reducing production downtime, creating adequate reserves of stocks to ensure its rhythm, minimizing losses from freezing funds in inventories, saving costs from the proper use of storage facilities, etc. That is, effective management of material resources creates real preconditions for economic growth and determines the competitiveness of industrial enterprises.


material resources; material capacity; material return of product; inventory turnover ratio; the ratio of fixing the inventory

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